Saturday, December 12, 2020

Partisan Politics And The Rule Of Justice.


Many of us have been bombarded through the main stream media of the results of the recent election in USA. There appears to be a great deal of exposure of corruption in the system. Yet the corruption is only voiced by one side. Why is this so? I believe we have all been taken up by the story of one side whether liberal or conservative. Our beliefs will determine the narrative that we support. In this world we are faced with fake news and corruption and not the absolute truth. This is how the world operates and the god of this world infuses the minds of people to embrace lies. Lies appear to have a power greater than the truth. This battle is fought on different fronts: personal, family, community, work place and politics. Therefore don't be surprised when Christians too take sides.


Truth takes a secondary place when power and greed take over. We see power battles everywhere in the world we live in including the church. Jesus came to cancel these evil powers and show us the path to peace and truth. He said He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). When we seek to acknowledge Him as Lord then we choose to walk in His way. Why then do we still see divisions amongst Christians? Well there are unbelieving Christians and believing Christians. There is always the false amongst the true, the tares amongst the wheat. This is what we have to live with. We are called to live a higher life and for a higher purpose, the Kingdom of God.


The Kingdom of God has one King and His Name is Jesus. When we acknowledge Him as Lord then all other kings have to bow down to Him. It is not politics but righteousness and justice that should lead us. We need to pray for truth and justice in all areas of life to prevail. In this way the Kingdom of God will be established on earth as it is in Heaven. This is where the spiritual warfare takes place. We need to dethrone Satan and enthrone Jesus. We are called to be a body united for this purpose and appointed to take a stand in all areas of life. Who will heed His call? Will the church rise up and take a stand during these days of trial and challenge? It starts with each one of us.

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