Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Thy Word Is A Lamp To My Feet And A Light To My Path.


God's word is like a lamp that shines in the darkness. We need light when we walk in darkness. Without light we will grope in darkness. Watch the blind man walk and you will observe how he gropes around using his other senses to direct him. So also when we walk in darkness we need a light to shine and reveal the path we need to take. God's word is a light that shines and reveals the truth and directs our paths.


In these days of fake news the only hope we have is in His Word. His word was given to us so that we would know His ways. However most people choose to reject His word. God has given us His written word, the Bible, to know His will. He has also provided us with His living Word, Jesus. His word and Jesus are the same. His written word became flesh. This is a mystery but so true. When we read His written word it becomes flesh to us. His word is living and it changes and transforms us into His image. 


The light of God’s word keeps us sane. His word is so powerful when added to faith and results in signs and wonders. God spoke His word and created the world and all that is in it. We can speak His written word and see. It illumines our mind. Once we walked in darkness. Now we walk in the light as He is in the light. Let us meditate on His word and see Him manifest in our lives.

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