Friday, December 04, 2020

A Life Lived On Lies Is Like A House Built On Sand.


We grow up in a world where lies are common place. We learn to lie to avoid offending others and to escape punishment. As a child we tell lies to escape punishment from our parents or teachers. We lie to each other because we want to avoid conflict. Lies are a common feature of living and sometimes we tell white lies to each other. A white lie is still a lie although we justify the lie to avoid hurting others. This becomes a habit over time and then we are not even aware that we are telling a lie. Our conscience becomes seared and we become a liar to others. Trust is reduced and relationships break down after a lifetime of operating on lies. This is the sad story for many. We have difficulty trusting liars, and trust is a basic building block to any relationship.


In all areas of life we find that lies tend to be part of the modus operandi. Truth is rare as we are faced with fake news daily. When we lie to ourselves then it is easier to lie to others.  We justify our behaviour by telling ourselves that everyone does it. Secrets thrive on the bed of lies. Secrets destroy lives. So what is the way out of this mess? We need to be prepared to tell the truth at any cost. Jesus said that He is the Truth. A life built on Him must be on truth. We can't say we follow Him but continue to lie. He said a man who says he has no sin is a liar. Only God is sinless.


We must confront our sin of lying. Lies are like birds that fly around till they can build a nest. Once the nest is built, it is very difficult to stop lying. We must daily walk in repentance and confront lies in thought, word and deed. This is the only way to break the habit of lying. Truth must be told at all cost. This may not be the way of the world but we are not of this world. We belong to the Kingdom of God. When we speak the truth in love, we make long-lasting friendships. People can trust us for we will keep our word. We will do what we promise to do. Let us come to the place where we will change the trend of the world and be truth tellers for His glory.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen. Until I was saved, I never knew that this world was full of lie. I did not know I was seeing the world through the lense of the lier. Now I know that I NEED the sight of Jesus to see the absolute TRUTH, the word of God.