Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Is It Time To Move From Democracy To Theocracy?


Democracy as a system of government is said to be the best we have at present. Is this true? Democracy separates church from state and so in some places God is made an object rather than a person. God desires to be the centre of every aspect of our lives but we have chosen to separate Him from politics. This means that other idols can rule over us rather than God. This separation of church and state has led to more laws being introduced to satisfy the desires of a minority. The minority now have found ways to push the majority into a corner through guilt and shame. This is why abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia have found a platform in some governments. This is going against the laws of God but the majority have accepted this as a way of life. 


It is time that God becomes the centre of our daily lives and this includes the government. A godless government is prone to make many laws and rules that work against the best interests of the people. When God is replaced by replicas of Him it will be like when the Israelites replaced God with a golden calf. This is where God is found in most democracies. Many other isms have replaced God. Nations that follow this path are doomed to face God's judgement. It appears we never learn from the lessons of history.Like idiots, we repeat the same mistakes of our forefathers. Someone said it is a sign of madness to do the same thing even when you know it will obtain the same results.


The Kingdom of God  is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). When Jesus is crowned King in a nation thenall the fruits of the Kingdom will follow. Prosperity, peace and favour will follow. This applies to the individual, family and society. It starts with the individual acknowledging Jesus as Lord. Theocracy is government under God where there is no separation of church and state. I believe this is what God desires. Will this be possible? Only a revival that sweeps a nation can bring us to a place where we will see this as possible. It is time to pray for the glory of God to invade our nation and stop the trend to anarchy and chaos that is sweeping some nations. When we cry out to God, He will hear our cries and respond and bless our nation. It is time to turn from our wicked ways and return to our God and let Him be Lord of our lives.

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