Friday, November 06, 2020

Vote For Justice And Life Rather Than Lies And Death


God is a God of love and justice. He operates on truth and justice is based on truth. The opposite of truth is lies. There is no justice where lies prevail. This is why we need to pray for justice to prevail based on truth rather than lies. This applies to every area of our lives. When we operate on God's truth we know that justice will prevail. God is for those who seek for righteousness which results in right living. He will rescue the oppressed who fight for justice. He will be true to His word. His word is truth and He never lies. Therefore when we live according to His now word we can trust Him to fight for us.


In this world there are battles for truth and justice. It is a battle of good versus evil. The god of this world operates on lies. Therefore every media outlet that cooperates with lies will be destroyed by the truth. Truth will always win for this is a universal law.  We can think we are winning on lies but the truth will finally trump lies. In a world filled with fake news, it is only the brave Christians that are able to stand against the tide of evil. All through history we see that justice prevailed where righteousness was pursued. This universe is under God's control. God needs a people who will stand on His word and pray His living now word to be accomplished. 


God has given us a weapon called prayer. We need to pray that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Once we know His will we can pray it into being. This is the way we can overcome evil with good. Good will always triumphs over evil. Love always wins. God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us. We must be prepared to die for righteousness to prevail. Death has lost its sting for life has been granted to us who believe. Let us stand for justice and life and never give into lies which lead to death.

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