Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Operating According To Tradition Or A Living Relationship With Jesus.


Tradition is a set of rules that govern the operation of a church or body of worshippers. The traditions have a long history and heritage that is passed down the generations. These traditions hold the group together and bind them together. Many attend the services and go through the motions whether they believe in Jesus or not. I once belonged to a traditional church and used to follow its teachings and customs. However it did not make much of a difference in my life. I was blind to theChristian beliefs and everything was a routine. Just like the Lord's Prayer is recited in many services but few understand the significance of the prayer. One can get caught up in a tradition although the tradition has value. 


Some in traditional churches do have a living relationship with Jesus. Their relationship enhances their tradition. Many leave traditional churches because they are disillusioned by the robotic nature of it. I too left my traditional church and searched for a living relationship with others. My faith took a leap when I was born again. This is not to bag traditional churches. Like any organisation, when tradition is more important than relationship, death tends to set in. In routine or ritual prayers, one goes through the prayers without any life. 


It is time to address this problem. Many call themselves Christians but don't have a born again experience. This is confusing since what they believe does not match up with their lifestyle. Many see Christians as hypocrites who attend church on Sunday but are like the world the rest of the week. No wonder the troubles of the world are similar in the church. Whatever is done as a routine will decay and die. This is why we see so many reformations in the Church, because what began well often dies through tradition. The only way out is in a living relationship with Jesus. We need a revolution that will break down traditions and free people from their prisons of unbelief. Only a living relationship with Jesus can do this.

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