Friday, November 13, 2020

No Evil Spirit Can Occupy Your Soul When The Holy Spirit Is Lord


Most of us are ignorant of the fact that we can be influenced by evil spirits that wander about looking to occupy or attach themselves to our soul. These wandering spirits don't have a body and so search for a body they can legally enter (Eph 4:26, 27). They are like an infestation that has been allowed entrance through sin or familial iniquitiespassed down our generational line. Once we become aware of their presence then we need to expel them. They occupy only because we allow them to. They are so familiar that we are not even aware of their presence. Many reason that it is a personality quirk or a weakness and live with it.


Once we become aware of their presence then we need to expel them. It maybe a spirit of pride, jealousy, envy, anger, hatred, addiction to substances etc. Anything that compels you to give into its power is an evil spirit. If you find yourself struggling with lust or anger which gets you out of control, then you need to think, Is this an infestation?If it is in your family line, then know that you can cut it off from being passed on to future generations. Not much is taught in this area. However when one becomes aware of the spiritual powers that are around then the war is on. Spiritual warfare is all about taking dominion over principalities and powers that seek to dominate your world.


Cast out the evil spirit in Jesus’Name. Jesus was always fighting these powers. His main mission was to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). He did this in the market place and delivered all who were oppressed by the devil. Sickness and disease will bow down to the Name of Jesus. His blood and His Name will expel any evil spirit out of you. Now be filled with His Spirit to keep your house clean. Many undergo deliverance but then continue with their former lifestyle and friendships. Common spirits tend to attract each other through ungodly friendships. These need to be cut off if you desire to keep your house clean. Old habits will lose their grip on you as you cut off the old and receive the new. The Holy Spirit will keep you and guide you in keeping your house clean. This is true freedom.

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