Monday, October 25, 2010


This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. God’s word is the only word that will sustain you during these end times. Many are the thoughts and opinions of people but the word of the Lord lasts forever. What appears to be the wisdom of man will only last for a time. God’s wisdom is deep and His word brings out new insights all the time because it is the living word. His words have life in it and as you meditate on them they bear fruit of its kind. Therefore read and eat His words and let them gird every fibre of your being till you only hear His words and none other. In His word is His Spirit. His Spirit will work through His word. Healing is released as His Spirit takes His rhema word and performs it. All the preaching in the world cannot make up for the word of His power. His power is released through His word. Imagine the potential in His word when it is received by faith. It will become His healing word to your flesh and springs of living water to your spirit.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The spirit world is as real as the physical world. You have to train your senses to perceive it. It works in a similar way to the physical world i.e through your 5 physical senses. You can see, hear, feel and smell spirits. When you enter a place, tune into the spirit world by sensing the atmosphere in that place. You need to go behind the physical to tune into the spiritual. Many are unconscious of this realm. Yet the spiritual contains the physical. You have authority on earth to bind the works of darkness in the spirit realm. This will eliminate its influence in the physical realm. Once you appreciate this then you will begin to discern the spirits at work in people’s lives and regions. Christians are to do warfare in the spirit. You need to be aware of the spirits of destruction before you can bind them and paralyse them. This is spiritual warfare. Many are confused and look for answers to their predicaments in physical or psychological realms but miss the point. The spiritual realms are real and being blind does not mean they do not exist. Now enter in and possess the land by faith by binding the works of darkness. Bind the strong man and the demons will flee. The blood of Jesus will drive them out. Never fear the darkness for the light has overcome the darkness. You are the light of the world. When you walk into areas of darkness be sure that the light in you will push back the darkness. When the light shines in then the darkness recedes and people will see because of the light. You don’t have to say anything. Your presence is what matters. Hallelujah.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Powerful is the Lord to reveal His mind to you and to bring about the healing you desire. In the Spirit there is no limit to His ability. God’s ability is evidenced through His workings in the Spirit. A spirit mind will see and hear the things of the Spirit. The gifting of the Spirit works through you as you tune into His Spirit in you. His Spirit in you is the source of knowledge and wisdom beyond the realms of earthly wisdom and knowledge. To develop this gifting you will have to tune into Him. You tune into Him by entering the space within you. In this space you access His thoughts and feelings. You have entered His space now and are writing His thoughts flowing through you. You are just a pencil in His hands. Man thinks his thoughts and reasons his way to solve problems. God reveals His mind and through faith you see and hear and decide. You can do both and your spirit in line with His Spirit will convince your mind of the truth. In this way you renew your mind and begin to see and do things God’s way. This is to live the Kingdom life on earth as it is in heaven. When you are tempted, you know it is the flesh trying to control you. When you feel loved and cherished you know it is His Spirit that is making you feel this way. Everything negative is from the evil one working through your flesh. The devil works through you to steal, kill and destroy. Therefore when you discern this, then you know what is of God and what is of the devil. Because you know He lives, you have hope for tomorrow and can see how He will deliver you from your tormentors. In the Spirit is your deliverance sure and nothing is impossible for him who trusts in the Lord. Believe and receive your miracle today.

Friday, October 22, 2010


In the Spirit you are able to see and judge as God sees and judges. What a change in perception. Most people perceive and judge through their own tarnished lens. This is the lens of their own past programming. We have all been programmed by our past experiences which are clouded by myths, assumptions and stories we have heard. These are what make who we are at present but not wholly who we are. Behind the stories is a person who is a spirit being. This spirit being is who you really are. To find this person is your mission in life. Once you found him/her you will be at peace. This is the state of spiritual enlightenment. Many seek in forms their true identity. This is an illusion. This is only a temporary identity which is attached to forms of thought and history. Your true identity is in the spirit who is formless. In Christ you will find your true identity for He is Spirit. His Spirit merges with your spirit and you are one in Him. All human beings find true unity in spirit and not in any form. Our egos will continue to define us in the way we think and do things but this only serves to preserve our ego. Jesus said if you lose yourself for my sake you will find yourself. Dying to self is to die to your ego with its attachments to things and people. Detachment from things and attachment to Christ is the only freedom that is eternal.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Praise the Lord who gives me the strength to face each new day. This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. How good is the Lord who gives and gives without reservation. He gave His only begotten Son and fed the world with manna from heaven. Now those who feed on Him can live forever. What you feed on will last forever or die. The food that God gives never ends and its value is eternal. What you learn and use is good for this material world. This world of form has its own knowledge base but heavenly wisdom can only be discerned through the Spirit. Many have knowledge of the spirit world but don’t know the Holy Spirit. It is just like knowing about Jesus but not knowing Him personally. To know about something is to have head knowledge. To know is to experience this someone and know in your inner depths the peace and love that comes from the knowing. This is the difference that separates the sheep from the goats. God has made it plain in these end times and the knowledge of His Son will spread like wild fire across the globe and win many into His Kingdom. The Kingdom of His Son is a heavenly Kingdom and it is an eternal Kingdom. This is why Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world. It is a spiritual Kingdom filled with spiritually birthed sons and daughters born not of the flesh but of the spirit. His Spirit is moving mightily upon the earth and those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will be born anew into the Kingdom of heaven.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The Lord is good and each day He will sow new thoughts into you which will bowl you over. You know these are His thoughts because they have the power to bless and not to tear down. Uplifting thoughts are God sent. Downing thoughts are devil sent. There are always two sides to a coin and so for any issue there will always be two sides. Once you arrive at this realisation then nothing appears as clear as once thought. People want clarity but on most occasions the only clarity you will see, is a compromise. Therefore never fear the opposition for they are there to help you and not to oppose you. Without resistance there will be no growth. Growth comes through resisting the resistance. By resisting and not giving in, you are able to find new solutions to old problems. Problems are mainly due to perceptions. When you are able to do away with past programming then the issue becomes just another thing to be surmounted then an issue of personal attack to be resisted. Therefore when you are confronted with a problem do not let fear cloud your thinking but step back from the problem and see the solution emerge. Once you are sucked into the problem then the problem controls you. Separate the problem from you and the problem becomes a thing with no personal attachment to it. This is why many counsellors makes the problem go away or in other words a problem shared is a problem halved.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Praying in the Spirit is the way to unblock the potential within you. As you pray in tongues rivers of living water are stirred up within you. These rivers then begin to fill you up and flow out of your mouth to feed a hungry and thirsty world. You will be amazed by the thoughts and feelings you experience. You will realise that you are experiencing something from deep within like a new experience. Your whole being will respond to this new revelation. Your source of knowledge begins to expand and there are no limits to the power released. Like an atomic bomb your words carry the power to bring the desired change. You become a vessel of His power channelling the words and thoughts from His throne. This is how the Word became flesh. He came as the immortal Word and walked amongst us and then rose to sit on the throne to rule and reign forever. His is an eternal Kingdom not built by the hands of man. His Kingdom rule will become the dominant power and the earth His footstool. No man will be able to stand against Him. Even though the forces on earth appear to work against His Kingdom rule, it will not be long before the earth is consumed by His power. His is the Kingdom, the power and the glory. I will submit to Him rather then any earthly power that is for now but not for eternity. The setbacks are all part of the overall plan for dominion.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Thought interruptions are the way the devil insinuates and troubles you. He will sow thoughts into you that will keep you from your goal. He will discourage and dishearten you. He will trouble you with all kinds of negative thoughts. Since the fall all of creation is wired for negativity. These negative thoughts follow a pattern after a time and these then are set in your hard wiring. The Holy Spirit comes and inspires and encourages you. Therefore when you are assailed by negative thoughts know that they are not from the Holy Spirit. Why try and analyse these negative thoughts. Just say NO and reject them before they can take root. These negative thoughts always stir up negative feelings which give these thoughts the power to influence you. Trust in the Lord to cancel these thoughts. Live in the moment and focus on the moment and cancel these thoughts which are based on the past or future. Imagine yourself bathed in the blood of Jesus continuously, cleansing your mind and your whole being. His blood is the greatest cleansing agent and the devil hates it. In this way you can remain clean and holy for His presence to manifest through you. Slay those negative thoughts and pray His positive thoughts and come alive in Jesus.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Persistence leads to achievement of your goals. Never take your eyes off your goal. The Spirit of God will work through your vision to bring it to pass. Faith working through love will bring to pass what you desire. God works through you by faith. You can desire anything and it will be granted to you. A million souls is nothing in the hand of the Lord. God will seek for willing vessels to work through them to achieve His goals. This is the new breed God is raising on earth to achieve His purpose. He is searching for willing hearts that will be His channels for transmuting His power. His power is able to do anything. A Christian who is willing to be a channel will fulfil His purpose on earth as it is in heaven. This is the Lord’s end time purpose to fill the earth with His glory as the waters cover the sea. His glory is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will invade the earth through His people who will unite to see His Kingdom being established on earth. As His people catch His vision of a new earth then this will become a force that will turn the hearts of people to Him. The earth is exhausted by the careless use of its resources. God who created the earth is able to replenish it. He made the gold and the silver and He will able to replenish it. Therefore trust Him to supply every need both spiritual and material and you will operate in the supernatural.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Helpful are those who walk in the ways of the Lord. When you are possessed by the Spirit of God then you will be a holy influence to all around you. His holy presence within you will affect everything around you even the plants and the animals. The whole of creation waits for the revealing of the sons of God. We are the salt and the light of the world. The world is in darkness and you must shine your light brightly that others may see and believe. There is only one cause for you to live for and that is the cause of Jesus Christ. He came, He lived and he died. He now lives again in the Spirit to work through you to redeem mankind. He came and sowed the seed on earth that will multiply till the whole earth is filled with His glory. Man sows all kinds of seeds but these are seeds unto death. The seeds that you sow are unto life for they are from the Spirit of life. Now is the time to arise and be bold and see the glory of God manifested on earth as His people shine brightly. You shine brightly when you give up all things for the one thing, His cause. Come now Holy Spirit and fill me for your cause is all I live for.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Miracles are coming your way as you connect to the miracle working God who lives in you. What you expect will come to pass through the channel of faith. Faith is the key to all things supernatural. God is Spirit and works in spiritual realms. The battle you have is in spiritual realms and not in earthly realms. Once you shift your focus from the earthly to the spiritual you become a channel of His power to save and to bless. God wants willing channels so that His power can flow freely. All you have to do is to let go and let God. God is moving by His Spirit to find willing vessels to flow through. So come to Him yielded and still and see how He will move mightily through you. As you wait and walk and be, He will become. He will become the person you desire to be through you. Jesus was the personification of God when He walked on earth. Now you can become the same as you yield to His voice. His voice you will hear as you connect with Him. You connect with Him when you are filled with His Spirit. His Spirit lives in you and works through you to bring about the change you desire. Your desires become His desires because they are His desires. He has planted these desires in your heart. Desires not of Him will fade away as He will burn up what is not of Him. Bless the Lord at all times and be glad.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own strength. The strength of the Lord will keep your mind and heart at rest. He is a mighty fortress in time of trouble and in His presence is peace and harmony. Never give into worry or fear for this is not of the Lord. Whenever worry or fear raises its head, know that He is your strength. Operating in the now enables you to tap into His thoughts for the moment rather then your thoughts. When you get caught up with your thoughts then you will easily regress into fear and worry. These feelings will then fire other thoughts that will undermine your resolve. Remember that your life is hid in Him. Therefore nothing can harm you because He is your protector. In Him you are safe and secure. All your resources come from Him. What you have is nothing compared to His great love and kindness. Therefore rejoice and be glad. Operate in the now and be free of all anxiety and pressure. This moment is all that matters. What is in the past or the future is in His hands. You will experience freedom from worry and stress as you operate in the now. Hallelujah what a Saviour and what a friend I have in Jesus who is present with me all the time.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Pleasure comes from seeking things that feels good to the soul. However beauty is something more then pleasure. Beauty is spiritual for it goes beyond the external and taps into the inner realms of being. You need spiritual eyes to see the inner beauty of things both living and dead. God sees the beauty in each of His creation created for a purpose. Even the locusts have a beauty in them that only God can see. Each is created for a purpose that maintains all things in balance. When you are balanced within then all things operate in harmony. It’s the imbalance that creates disharmony. A painful toe causes disharmony and affects the rest of the body. Maintain balance by addressing your inner self. When you are in harmony with your body, mind and spirit then your whole being will emit harmony. This will affect all around you. A disturbed soul emits radiation of a different kind and disturbs those around them. Light and darkness cannot co-exist because they are opposite. When light joins with light, the place gets brighter. So also when people of the light get together there is a concentration of light that will break through the darkness. Therefore let your light shine and penetrate the darkness and extinguish it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Prepare the way ahead for great things are coming your way. The boldness that comes with faith will enable you to face hurdles that you have never faced before. You will be able to stand high and firm in your resolve to fight for truth. The Lord will give you the boldness and the enemy will flee. The enemy works through people and people will know the truth when they hear it. All are spirit beings in search of the truth. When all they hear are lies then the truth will stand out like light in the midst of darkness. Truth will stand the test of time. Lies will fade away so never fear the opposition that stands on lies. The lie appears to be truth till it is challenged. When you are bold then the truth becomes like light that penetrates the darkness. Praise the Lord who imparts the spirit of faith to fight the spirit of darkness. Darkness comes in when the light fades. Therefore let your light shine brightly as you walk by faith.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Pretty are the things we think and feel for but God is Lord of them all. He made them and cherishes them and He loves those who love His created works. When God is denied as the Creator then all living creatures become things. This is the lie the devil has sown into the hearts and minds of people. The big lie fosters independence and separation because we are all things and can be easily disposed off. This is the lie that underlies abortion and euthanasia. The church needs to fight for life and not give into the lie. The lie has so damaged creation that what is left is nihilism and destruction of all creation. Man has taken over the planet earth but in the pursuit of supremacy has destroyed it. He has used God’s creation to pursue his own ends rather then the God who created him. What a lie birthed in the Garden of Eden and now a disease spreading throughout the earth and affecting all creation. From the vegetation to humans this lie has led to death and destruction. Dog eat dog is the prevalent mood and nothing can stop man from self destruction. Only God’s mercy can reverse this trend and the annihilation of all creation. In the end only God remains for He is all there is. We are all His creation and we were given freedom to live life to the full. This means we have a choice and in this choice was the fall. Lord have mercy on us.

Saturday, October 09, 2010


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own strength. The fear of the Lord is rich in benefits. He is able to do far more then you can think or imagine. The desires of your heart will come to you as you trust in the Lord. The favour of the Lord is upon you because you fear Him. Fear is not to feel scared but respect and honour. Walk with this mind in you that those who fear the Lord will triumph, for He is a strong fortress in times of trouble. The peace of the Lord will keep your mind and heart at rest. Now what do you have to fear when the Lord is on your side. His love is so deep and so wide that nothing can dissolve it. This is the love that God has for you. His love is tangible when you receive His embrace openly. Open your hands and receive His love so real and so true. There is no adulteration in His love. He loves completely and His love can heal all wounds. Trust in the Lord and be healed of all wounds. You are in Him and as you abide in Him, so also He abides in you. The two become one just as a chrysalis transforms into a butterfly so you also will be transformed through His love. This is the only hope for the world and He lives in you. Christ in you the hope of glory.

Friday, October 08, 2010


Help is at hand for those who cry out for it. It is your heart that people will read and get touched by. At a spiritual level everyone connects at a heart level although they are unconscious of it. It is this connection that results in intimacy. When you operate with your heart then there is a connection that goes beyond your senses. Your spirit dwells in your heart. Your spirit will commune at the level with the spirit of the other. At this level of communication race and colour do not matter. The heart is pure. The soul maybe messed up but the heart is pure. It is the ability to see beyond the form that results in heart communication. When heart communication is missing then the soul takes over. Soulish communication is filled with lust and fear. The love here is not true love as it is geared to meet selfish needs. When the heart is dead then the soul will operate on what is best for me. This always ends up in conflict of needs and manipulation. Operate from the heart and this will endear you to many.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Come Holy Spirit and be a beacon of light through me to this dark and confused world. There is so much darkness in the world and the news just reports about this darkness. There is little light and yet the people of God are numerous in the world. When the light of the world came into the world it lightened up the darkness. However people in the darkness did not see because they were blind. How can the blind see? The veil that covers their eyes was lifted at Calvary. The darkness that hovered over the earth was lifted at Calvary. Yet darkness prevails on the earth. This is because the devil is still roaming the earth to see who he can devour. All the violence and greed and destruction you see around you is his works. The works of darkness can only prevail in darkness. When the light comes the darkness will vanish. You are the light of the world. In your presence the darkness cannot prevail. Therefore let your light shine and push back the darkness. Imagine how much the world needs you and all who carry His light. It is only the light of His presence can dispel the darkness. So shine today as His light and lighten the earth where you are.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Praise the Lord who puts a song in your heart and music to your ears. He gives spring to your feet and new energy flows freely through you. He is always with you and His life flows through you. He is the Keeper of your soul. There is nothing you can do to earn His love. He is unconditional love and in Him you will glory all the days of your life. How good it is to praise the Lord and to seek Him. He is always listening to your thoughts and desires. He will come through for you as you align your thoughts with His. He is the lover of your soul. I will praise the Lord, will be my song. I will praise Him in the morning and in the evening and all day long. He is worthy of all praise and worship. In Him dwells all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and I am blessed in Him. Jevohah Jireh and He is my Provider.