Friday, October 22, 2010


In the Spirit you are able to see and judge as God sees and judges. What a change in perception. Most people perceive and judge through their own tarnished lens. This is the lens of their own past programming. We have all been programmed by our past experiences which are clouded by myths, assumptions and stories we have heard. These are what make who we are at present but not wholly who we are. Behind the stories is a person who is a spirit being. This spirit being is who you really are. To find this person is your mission in life. Once you found him/her you will be at peace. This is the state of spiritual enlightenment. Many seek in forms their true identity. This is an illusion. This is only a temporary identity which is attached to forms of thought and history. Your true identity is in the spirit who is formless. In Christ you will find your true identity for He is Spirit. His Spirit merges with your spirit and you are one in Him. All human beings find true unity in spirit and not in any form. Our egos will continue to define us in the way we think and do things but this only serves to preserve our ego. Jesus said if you lose yourself for my sake you will find yourself. Dying to self is to die to your ego with its attachments to things and people. Detachment from things and attachment to Christ is the only freedom that is eternal.

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