Friday, October 15, 2010


Miracles are coming your way as you connect to the miracle working God who lives in you. What you expect will come to pass through the channel of faith. Faith is the key to all things supernatural. God is Spirit and works in spiritual realms. The battle you have is in spiritual realms and not in earthly realms. Once you shift your focus from the earthly to the spiritual you become a channel of His power to save and to bless. God wants willing channels so that His power can flow freely. All you have to do is to let go and let God. God is moving by His Spirit to find willing vessels to flow through. So come to Him yielded and still and see how He will move mightily through you. As you wait and walk and be, He will become. He will become the person you desire to be through you. Jesus was the personification of God when He walked on earth. Now you can become the same as you yield to His voice. His voice you will hear as you connect with Him. You connect with Him when you are filled with His Spirit. His Spirit lives in you and works through you to bring about the change you desire. Your desires become His desires because they are His desires. He has planted these desires in your heart. Desires not of Him will fade away as He will burn up what is not of Him. Bless the Lord at all times and be glad.

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