Monday, October 18, 2010


Thought interruptions are the way the devil insinuates and troubles you. He will sow thoughts into you that will keep you from your goal. He will discourage and dishearten you. He will trouble you with all kinds of negative thoughts. Since the fall all of creation is wired for negativity. These negative thoughts follow a pattern after a time and these then are set in your hard wiring. The Holy Spirit comes and inspires and encourages you. Therefore when you are assailed by negative thoughts know that they are not from the Holy Spirit. Why try and analyse these negative thoughts. Just say NO and reject them before they can take root. These negative thoughts always stir up negative feelings which give these thoughts the power to influence you. Trust in the Lord to cancel these thoughts. Live in the moment and focus on the moment and cancel these thoughts which are based on the past or future. Imagine yourself bathed in the blood of Jesus continuously, cleansing your mind and your whole being. His blood is the greatest cleansing agent and the devil hates it. In this way you can remain clean and holy for His presence to manifest through you. Slay those negative thoughts and pray His positive thoughts and come alive in Jesus.

1 comment:

Milo said...

oh my goodness! these words are so beautiful and so true! thank you. God bless you.
from Milo