Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Praying in the Spirit is the way to unblock the potential within you. As you pray in tongues rivers of living water are stirred up within you. These rivers then begin to fill you up and flow out of your mouth to feed a hungry and thirsty world. You will be amazed by the thoughts and feelings you experience. You will realise that you are experiencing something from deep within like a new experience. Your whole being will respond to this new revelation. Your source of knowledge begins to expand and there are no limits to the power released. Like an atomic bomb your words carry the power to bring the desired change. You become a vessel of His power channelling the words and thoughts from His throne. This is how the Word became flesh. He came as the immortal Word and walked amongst us and then rose to sit on the throne to rule and reign forever. His is an eternal Kingdom not built by the hands of man. His Kingdom rule will become the dominant power and the earth His footstool. No man will be able to stand against Him. Even though the forces on earth appear to work against His Kingdom rule, it will not be long before the earth is consumed by His power. His is the Kingdom, the power and the glory. I will submit to Him rather then any earthly power that is for now but not for eternity. The setbacks are all part of the overall plan for dominion.

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