Saturday, October 16, 2010


Helpful are those who walk in the ways of the Lord. When you are possessed by the Spirit of God then you will be a holy influence to all around you. His holy presence within you will affect everything around you even the plants and the animals. The whole of creation waits for the revealing of the sons of God. We are the salt and the light of the world. The world is in darkness and you must shine your light brightly that others may see and believe. There is only one cause for you to live for and that is the cause of Jesus Christ. He came, He lived and he died. He now lives again in the Spirit to work through you to redeem mankind. He came and sowed the seed on earth that will multiply till the whole earth is filled with His glory. Man sows all kinds of seeds but these are seeds unto death. The seeds that you sow are unto life for they are from the Spirit of life. Now is the time to arise and be bold and see the glory of God manifested on earth as His people shine brightly. You shine brightly when you give up all things for the one thing, His cause. Come now Holy Spirit and fill me for your cause is all I live for.

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