Saturday, July 23, 2011


Assumptions make us prejudge situations and persons. These assumptions are based on personal beliefs. These beliefs are based on history, experience and folklore. Assumptions give us a context to make judgements. However they are just assumptions and not the truth. Assumptions are personal till they become a group belief system and is held by the group. Given that there is a inbuilt bias in all this, it behoves the observer to be non judgemental and give the observed a listening ear. To maintain a neutral position enables you to suspend judgement and to limit your assumptions in boxing people in. This is so releasing for the observer and the observed. When you live your life on assumptions then you box yourself into a corner. Your sense of reality is based on your assumptions which maybe false. The world is so impermanent that we need some belief system to make sense of this world. Religion provides that base to some extent. However when those belief systems are challenged then your world begins to crumble too. Ideologies are based on these strongly held beliefs. People will fight to death to uphold their beliefs. It is not open to challenge. This is why these systems fossilise after a while. People in these systems also fossilise because they are isolated by their beliefs. Neutrality accepts others as they are and also frees you to be a person who accepts challenge and change. Jesus never condemned others but accepted them from the tax collector to the adulterer. The clash of beliefs and ideologies is what you see in the world that leads to violence and mayhem.

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