Monday, August 20, 2012


Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy Name. How good is the Lord? He is so good that even the stones want to praise Him. He is Almighty God and there is nothing too difficult for Him. He created you for a purpose and it is your responsibility to find it and do it. All you need to do is to choose to follow Him. He has given you a free will and therefore you can choose to do your own will or His will. He is a Father and therefore will not impose on you. Jesus could choose to avoid the Cross but He prayed 'Not my will but yours be done'. This should be your prayer too. This means when you come to the cross roads of life, you have to decide to carry your cross, which means dying to your will. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy. The only way to experience this is to carry your cross daily and by this means to die to self. Respect others beliefs but still share your faith. If you don't share how will they know? The Holy Spirit will open their eyes to the Truth when you share from your heart. Don't get into arguments for reason will not convict. Only faith will convict and convert. The sword will not change hearts so don't worry when you are threatened. Now I have set you free from all burdens of the flesh and the world. You are free to be. I will use my freedom to preach Christ.

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