Thursday, August 09, 2012


Fix your eyes on Jesus. This is the only way to tune into flow and live the abundant life. His life in you is the source of your inheritance in Christ. He has all the resources in heaven available to you. As you fix your eyes on Jesus you will diminish and he will increase. You will realise that you cannot live His life in your strength but only His strength. You will become conscious of your own weakness and His strength to overcome your weakness. The more you decrease the more He will increase. All your desires will be His desires. Your desires will conform to His desires and you will fulfil His mission for you. Your life will be lived in faith and you will not walk by sight. You will see how your new life in Christ is easy as you walk in the Spirit. There will be less tension between your self and Christ in you. You will become like Jesus as you walk His life on earth. You will truly achieve great things in His Name. You will have no confidence in the flesh and all confidence in Him. You will be a influencer and not just a spectator. God can use you for His purposes. You will rise up on eagles wings and nothing formed against you will prosper. Therefore be glad and rejoice in His salvation.

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