Saturday, August 11, 2012


God's now word is His rhema word. This is His saying word and doing word. His rhema word performs what it says. His written word explains His truth. You need His rhema word to see the fruit of the word. The written word is like any other written word. When faith is mixed with His written word then it becomes His rhema word. However God is Spirit and He can communicate to you through His Spirit in you. When you connect with Him then His Spirit in you reveals His mind to you. Today heaven is opened to you. You have come into His presence in heaven. He touches you and anoints you and says, YOU ARE MY CHILD IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED. This is His rhema word to you. He knows the desires of your heart. He is always with you. You don't have to look for angelic visitations for His angels are with you. You have experienced them and now you must trust them by faith. God wants you to walk by faith. Only those who do not believe need to see. Seeing is an illusion. However faith in the unknown is eternal. When you have that child like faith to trust then you can ask for anything and it will come to you. His word is sent to perform and not to destroy. So come Lord Jesus and perform your word to me today.

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