Sunday, March 03, 2013


Total surrender and nothing else will do for the Kingdom of God. It is this journey that leads to whether you achieve your freedom in degrees. The more the surrender the more the freedom. Holding on to things and positions will delay the freedom. The paradox of it all is that the more you give the more you gain. The less you give the less you gain. Jesus came to earth and gave up all His freedom so that we can gain His riches on earth and in heaven. He said unless a man hates his own life for my sake is not fit for the Kingdom of God. This means that I hate everything that is centred on self so that I may gain all God has for me. When I withhold I only withhold His riches from reaching me. When I let go then I open the gates of heaven to fill my barns. What a paradox from the ways of the world that teaches us to keep all we have. Letting go and letting God is the sure way of living an abundant life. This cost to the self will result in abundance to self and others. I am blessed so that I can be a blessing. God gave and so now He has many children who have been saved from the clutches of hell. What a divine exchange is this.

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