Wednesday, March 06, 2013


The living word of God gives life to your spirit just like sperm gave life to you. The Word became flesh. What a powerful thought that can cancel the enemy's plans and bring life. The word of God is sharper then any 2 edged sword piercing the depths of your spirit to bring forth life to your body, soul and spirit. Yet how lightly we treat His word. It is not just the written word but the rhema word that will produce life. The word mixed with faith becomes the now word. This now word is your rhema word and this word will go forth and perform the word. If the word is for healing then you will experience healing. If it is for peace then it will bring forth peace. God's word spoken through you by faith will go forth to bring results. It is like seed that is sown and when it falls on good soil will produce a harvest.So sow freely and let the Spirit bring forth the harvest. It is His work and His Kingdom. We are just His tools.

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