Friday, March 15, 2013


Step out and step forth for the time of separation between evil and good has come. This is the time to stand for what you believe. Evil has insinuated into all areas of life that good is like evil and evil is like good. This is how sin works to deceive and make acceptable what is evil. This is Satan's main strategy and this is the strategy of the world. Everything is acceptable and the individual decides what is good and bad. There is no standard and just like the sexual revolution in the 70's so also now there is the gay revolution. We are becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah and the world is going headlong into hell. There is no limits in hell for everything that is evil goes. Good has become evil and therefore evil is celebrated. Before the end comes there will be all the evil as it was before the flood destroyed the whole world. Now is the time to pray and seek His face that many maybe saved. This is the final hour and this is the time not to rest but to pray violently to rescue the lost. Come my child and rest in me for I have overcome the world.

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