Saturday, March 09, 2013


The powers of darkness are rising. God is at work through His saints to overthrow them. This is the battle in the heavenlies. The people of earth are unaware of these forces that assail people. People are controlled by these forces and wonder why they do the things they do. They think they are in control yet something else controls them. Satan makes them believe it is their doing. He works through deception to convince you that it is your fault. Sin is a force that Satan works through. Temptation is not sin. However when sin becomes a fruit through temptation then you become hooked. Eve was tempted but it was only when she ate the apple that sin caused the fall. Once she was in the light then she lost the light and her mind got darkened. In the world many walk in this darkness. They cannot see. You are the light that God will use to lighten their darkened minds. When they eat the fruit of your life then they too will come into the light. Never be challenged by knowledge that never results in fruit. It is knowledge that is effective that will result in good fruit. If the knowledge you have cannot be applied then it is worth nothing. Experience is what brings forth true knowledge. You know a person by being with them. Their spirit connects with your spirit and you become one.

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