Wednesday, March 13, 2013


All things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. All things means all things. It does not mean somethings or nothing but all things, good and bad things. This requires faith in God who is in control of all things. Even when you are in the claws of death it still means that God is in control. There is nothing that is beyond His control. The devil may make you think that he is in control but he is not sovereign. God is sovereign and He is in total control of all things even the devil. This is what will enable you to have faith when things appear not to be going your way. Your way may not be the best way. The Spirit knows the end from the beginning and rests in the knowledge that God knows everything. Therefore you can rejoice at all times good and bad. This is your inheritance in Christ. Rejoice therefore and be glad in all things. You don't rejoice for all things but in all things.

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