Thursday, March 07, 2013


In these last days how much we need to discern the spirits. Spirits are roaming the earth and influencing people in different ways even in the church. The church is being seduced to believe some new forms of theology which are dressed in deception. How will the flock cope with this gentle seduction? Like a frog that is being boiled so the church acclimatizes to the surroundings and will finally die. The Bible is our standard and not human intellect or wisdom. When we bow to any other spirit then the spirit of Jesus then deception will set in. Once deceived we will believe the untruth and die. Truth gives life while lies bring death. The truth will always bring the light while lies will bring darkness. Walk in the light as He is in the light and you will have fellowship with Him and one another. To stay the course on the straight and narrow way is the only way to walk. Broad are the persuasions and rewards of the world and the church can easily be seduced into those ways. Pray much in the spirit and keep close to the Lord in these days of darkness and prostitution.

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