Sunday, March 29, 2020

Break Free

Many of our battles are in the area of our soul, thoughts, feelings and will. Relationships are the main battle ground where our thoughts and feelings conflict with each other and the other person’s thoughts and feelings. This can sometimes lead to a break down in the relationship unless the relationship is strong enough to withstand these challenges. These battles of the flesh are common to all. Some are able to manage this better than others. Lots of regressive behaviours are stirred up and sometimes violent thoughts and feelings lead to violence towards the other. How to be in a relationship and not allow these thoughts and feelings to dominate you is a challenge. Jesus came to show us the way out of this dilemma.
He came to show us the way out of this dilemma by sending the Holy Spirit to help us. His Spirit is able to give us His thoughts and feelings in a situation. His thoughts and feelings are positive and bring healing and light. We don’t get consumed by our thoughts and feelings. We take the position of being dead in Him and alive in Him. We were crucified with Christ to those fleshly thoughts and feelings. Our will becomes His will. His will is to submit all to His Father in heaven. His peace and joy and love will keep you strong and steady in the midst of the storms. This is why you need to be filled in His Spirit and overflow in Him. Praying in tongues will help to stir up the spirit within you. The battle is His now and you can sit back and watch Him deal with people and situations. What a Saviour we have in Jesus who took our place to save us from our destructive selves. Be free today in Jesus Name and live an abundant life.

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