Sunday, March 01, 2020


Satan is called the deceiver and father of lies. He can appear as the angel of light and trap you into a form of godliness. We were born as spirit beings and therefore there is a longing in each of us to connect with God. However we are not aware that this spiritual search can take us into dark areas. Satan is also called the god of this world. Deception, lies and false truth is his strategy to fool the masses. We can easily fall into his trap when we seek for spiritual answers. This is why there are so many ways to god. This is a lie of the devil. He will try and question everything that is the truth. In the garden of Eden he tried to question whether God actually say that the fruit was forbidden. He sows doubt in our mind and compromises the truth. There is no such thing as absolute truth and therefore truth can be manipulated. However the God of the Bible proclaims absolute truth. His truth is not compromised. We need to know the God of absolute truth otherwise we will also be deceived like Adam and Eve. God has given us His written Word which we believe is the absolute truth. We can challenge every lie of the devil if we know His truth.
Jesus came to reveal the truth by stating that He is the Truth. When we receive Him who is the Truth than we live in the Truth. Every other way is a deception and a lie. The world will not accept this and will reject it by calling it divisive and heretical. We need to choose. Jesus never compromised on the truth. He came as the Truth to reveal the Truth so that those who believe in Him can have eternal life. This was the life before sin entered the human race. Now you too can have eternal life as you reject the lies and receive the Truth, JESUS.

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