Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Unbelief Is The Disease Infecting The Church Today

Smith Wigglesworth used a familiar line in his preaching, “Only Believe”. He literally accepted the Bible as the inspired written word of God. God said it and so it is it. He never wavered in his belief and saw heaven manifest on earth in healing and miracles and deliverance. Where does the church stand today? Very few believe in signs and wonders and some displace this to the first century only. However God’s Word is ever present now. It never changes. It is the same yesterday, today and forever. How unbelief has crept into the church over the centuries and now is affecting her presence in the world as a relic of the past. Many have turned away from God. This is the state of the church largely because of unbelief. Yet God has His remnant who continue to believe in signs and wonders. This is the church that will see the next move of God on earth. Are you going to believe His Word?
Believe His Word and be set free from unbelief. Faith comes by hearing His rhema word. His rhema word comes alive when you believe. The enemy of our soul will try and water down His word and compromise the truth. Truth is in a person and His Name is Jesus. When you put your trust in Jesus the scales will fall off your eyes and you will see and believe. Receive His now word to you today when He says now is the day of your salvation. Receive and believe and do not doubt. Signs and wonders will follow when you believe. Sickness will leave and fear will be replaced by faith. Will you believe His word or dispense with it as folk lore? You can choose today to believe and be set free from unbelief.

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