Thursday, March 12, 2020

It Is Who You See Within You That Matters- Victor Or Victim?

Our senses determine how we see ourselves and the world around us. This is a learning process developed over the years as we grow up to full manhood. In this process we learn a lot about ourselves and the world around us. Our parents are key influencers during our early life. Disruption in this period of development does have an impact on how we see ourselves and the world around us. Many of us tend to spend a lot of our waking hours accumulating material things to fill our lives. Silence is anathema. In silence we are confronted by our emptiness and this can be scary. Often times a crisis or life event will wake us up to the reality of life. Death stares us in our face and confronts us on the fragility of life. Yet we try and forget about this and continue to pursue our man made goals to achieve peace and contentment. We operate in an illusion that things will be alright. Death keeps knocking at our door till one day we wake up to the reality of it as a permanent event.
How do we overcome this state of affairs. We are constantly running away from death that pursues us till we finally die. We are a victim to death. Jesus came to bring us good news that He has conquered death.He did this by rising from the dead after 3 days of being in the tomb. He said He has finally conquered the final enemy of our soul. He now offers this same resurrection life to us. We can continue to operate as a victim or a victor. He brought us the solution and now offers this hope to us who believe in Him. Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that He is risen from the dead, we shall be saved. Be a victor and overcome.

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