Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Our Spirit Is Omniscient

Our spirit is part of our triune being of spirit, soul and body. Our spirit is born again when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. His Spirit than comes to dwell in our spirit and we become one. His Spirit is the resurrected Spirit of Jesus Christ. We are now seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. We have therefore ascended with Him. This means that we rule with Christ from heavenly places. Our body is still on earth but our spirit is with Christ who sits on the right hand of the Father. This is mind blowing to us carnal beings but this is what Jesus accomplished for us through his death, resurrection and ascension. Now we can operate in His resurrection power here on earth through His Spirit who dwells in us. If this is so why are we not seeing more of the miraculous in our midst as when Jesus walked on earth? The only impediment is our self. Self must identify with His death before resurrection life can be manifested in our life. This means that most of us are still bound in our flesh life and so we only experience some of His life. The more we surrender to Him the less of self will interfere with His presence.
In the spirit we can prevail over situations, disease, disorder and calamity. Jesus was always above His circumstances. When the storm came, He slept. He was in complete control over the storms in life. He could be in more than one place at any time. We too can be in different places in our spirit. We can be present when we pray for others in remotest parts of the world. How powerful will our intercessory prayers be when we can be present in situations far from us. In the spirit we can rule and reign because we exercise His authority on earth from heaven. There is evidence of translocation when saints are transported from one place to another in body and spirit. What a limitless scope we have in Him if only we would surrender and operate in His Spirit.

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