Most of us operate as if our resources are finite on earth. This is true as the earth is limited by space and time. However, as born-again believers we are of another Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven. We are now just travelling through life on earth till we join our Father in Heaven. We know that we are citizens of Heaven, but we do not operate as if this is true. Why this gap in belief and behaviour? It is because we have been deceived through wrong teaching that has taught us we are limited. We allow the world's limited resources to limit us. God wants us to be heavenly minded. In Heaven, His resources are unlimited. How do we then tap into His resources in Heaven?
We should operate by faith in all areas of our life, in particular when it comes to material resources. We came to God by faith and believed His word and were saved. We prosper through receiving by faith His word for healing and restoration and abundance. Now we have to apply faith for the provision of our material resources. There is an abundance of treasure to be tapped into in Heaven. We sow down here into His Kingdom and reap from His riches in Heaven. On earth we tend to hold onto things. In Heaven, we give and sow to reap a harvest. The more we sow the more we reap. We do not sow to selfishly reap. Love gives. We sow because this is how it works in Heaven. God gave His Son and He is reaping a harvest of souls.
I have experienced that this works in my life. I marvel at the way God has led me all through these years and kept me in abundance because of applying this principle. The more we give the more will be the provision. God is no debtor. Will we trust Him to provide or will we hold on to what we have?. Step out in faith today and be rewarded.