Saturday, June 13, 2020

Watch What You Allow To Enter Through Your Eyegate, Eargate, Nosegate, Mouthgate And Touchgate


In the world we sense our being through our senses. Our senses give us a perception of things around us. We orient ourselves through our senses. When our senses are working well we have a sense of being well-connected to reality. If one of our senses are defective then we become less sure of ourselves. If our eyesight is defective we become less sure of our surroundings. If our ears are defective we have difficulty communicating with others. We need to watch what we see and hear as this is the way we understand the world around us. If we allow ourselves to see and hear anything without filters then we will get bombarded with information overload. This can be confusing and produce a chaotic world within us. Filters are important as they enable us to let in what is good and deflect what is not so good. There is so much fake news that we see and hear daily trying to infiltrate our psyche. If we are not careful they will influence us in ways unhelpful to our well-being. 


What we allow inside us will lead to what we speak out of us. Input equals output. Rubbish in leads to rubbish out. We can see how our lives are evolving over a period of time by the words we speak. Our words will lead to a downward spiral or upward ascent. God spoke and He made the world (Gen 1:3-24). We too speak and make our world. If we speak good and positive things then good will eventuate. Conversely if our speech is foul then expect a foul outcome. 


God is in the business of preparing us to rule and reign in His Kingdom. We need to co-operate with Him in preparing ourselves, for this is our destiny in Christ. Part of this preparation is to be holy as He is holy. Let not anything foul come out of us. We must be led by the Spirit each day as we live in a foul world and are daily bombarded by negative fake news. Let us meditate on His word and be transformed by the renewal of our mind. This is the will of God for us who have been called to follow Him. Be watchful and pray for the days are evil.

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