Sunday, June 28, 2020

Absolute Truth. Is There Such A Truth?


Jesus was faced with such a question by Pilate who asked Him, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). Truth in these days is relative. What is the place of absolute truth in a relative world? The devil asked Eve whether God indeed said that she shall not eat of every tree of the garden, which included the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17, 3:1). He sowed doubt and challenged Eve by such questions and tempted her to know the truth like God knows. Eve was tempted to eat the fruit so that she could be like God. The devil wanted to be like God and his pride led to his fall. The devil was jealous of God's creation of man and his mission was to attack and destroy man. He continues to do this through lies and subterfuge. Truth is now relative and absolute truth is a fantasy. So we live in a world where lies and fake news abound. What is the way out of this mess?


God sent Jesus to reveal the truth and save man from the lies of the devil, because He came to destroy the works of the devil. He did this by sacrificing His life to redeem man through His blood. This is the truth. Jesus said He is the Truth. His words and life are absolute truth. Now we can choose to believe this or reject it. Many have chosen to reject Him. Jesus challenged the Pharisees with the truth but they refused to believe Him. Pilate asked, “What is truth? We ask similar questions and Jesus’ reply is still the same: “I am the Truth


We have a choice now to believe Him who is the Truth or reject Him. Our choice will determine our destiny. Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through Him (John 14:6). This is the absolute truth. The devil is a liar. The devil is real and we can choose to listen to him and go to hell. Heaven awaits those who follow the Truth. Choose today whom you will follow and be assured of an eternity in heaven.

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