Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Be Transformed In Body, Soul And Spirit


Jesus came to transform us in body, soul and spirit. Very few of us believe this and so we live mundane lives. We are born again in our spirit and thus able to be transformed in our whole being. What does this mean? In Romans 12:1, 2, Paul exhorts us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. How does our mind get renewed? Our mind is renewed by the washing of His word (Eph 5:26). His word is to renew our mind and transform us. This is not just a change of thinking from negative to positive. This renewal results in transformation of our whole being. [Once we were blind now we see kind of experience.] When we are transformed we become like Jesus. What is it to become like Jesus?


Jesus is God. We were created in His image. An image is a reflection of the real. Therefore when we become like Jesus we will reflect His image. When we look in the mirror we see our image. In the same way, when we reflect His image others will see Jesus. When they see Jesus then they will know He is real. Our spirit will communicate with their spirit and confirm things beyond our consciousness. This is spirit to spirit communication. When we pray in the spirit, we communicate with God, who is spirit, and the spirit of others we are praying for.??? This is how prayers are answered as we pray the mind of the Father over the lives of others or situations. What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 


 Our bodies will be transformed as they respond to the transformation of our minds. All sickness and disease and disorder will disappear as we are transformed. Our spirit becomes stronger and bolder, and discerns what is evil and good. In this way our whole being becomes new and alive in Him. It all begins in our minds which then affects our emotions and will. We will prosper as our soul prospers. Come Holy Spirit and transform us to be like Jesus.

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