Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Most Powerful Cleansing Agent In The World


Sin is real. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17). Sin now affects us as we carry the same evil spiritual “gene” that infiltrated Adam. There is no way to be cleansed from this “gene” but by the blood of Jesus. Jesus came as the second Adam to reverse the effects of the fall due to the sin of the first Adam. The blood of animal sacrifices was a temporary solution to sin as practiced in the Old Testament. The blood was painted on the lintel and door posts so that the destroyer passed over the homes of the children of Israel during the Passover (Exod 12:23). All these practices served to foretell the ultimate shedding of the blood of the Son of God, Jesus, on the Cross of Calvary. By the Cross, God has now made a better way to solve the sin problem which affects all of us. Satan was defeated on the Cross and now all he can do is harass us as a loser.


The blood of Jesus has power to cleanse us permanently. His blood avails much and continues to exert its power to cleanse because Jesus rose from the dead. His blood is alive and all those who call on Him to be saved can avail themselves of the power of His blood. His blood continues to heal and to deliver us from the torments of the devil. The devil hates the mention of His blood. We can resist the temptations of the devil through His blood. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, and the word of their testimony ( Rev 12:11). 


Come now and be washed and cleansed in His blood. We can overcome every challenge when we walk in the light as He is in the light. The devil works in darkness. The light of the world has come and we can overcome the devil and his tactics. The world is under the control of the devil at present but his end is nigh. This has been prophesied and he is unleashing all his weapons to destroy this world. We need to stand in the gap and pray the blood of Jesus over ourselves, our families and nations till He comes again. His blood saves us from all sin. Come now and be saved and be healed.

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