Thursday, June 11, 2020

Convert Your Stress To Rest By Trusting In Jesus

Stress is the underlying cause for a lot of diseases and disorders. Stress undermines your immune system and different organs are affected by it. There are vulnerable organs in individuals that tend to succumb to stress more than others. For some it is the heart and for others the kidneys or the womb. Some of these weakness in organs are familial. They run in families.You can usually spot the pattern by following your family line of illnesses. In some heart disease is common and for others it could be breast cancer. Lowering stress levels can mitigate or even cancel the onset of diseases.
How does one lower stress in a world that is so chaotic and changing?

Jesus said "Come to me all you who are stressed and I will give you rest". He said be yoked to me and I will carry your burdens. How does He do this? He does this by coming and living within us. He comes to take residence in us. He said He abides in us.  He will never leave us or forsake us even in the toughest of times. This is His promise. Will we trust in Him to do so? Offer up all your worries and cares to  Him and let go and let God come in and take over. If He is what He says He is, than you will find rest in your soul.

Come to Him who said the water I give you will never run dry. It will well up within you and you will never thirst again. Come to the river and drink of everlasting life and be filled and at rest. He never fails because He is God. You were created to live in Him and to enjoy His benefits. Be free from stress and be free to live life to the full as God designed you to be.

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