Friday, June 25, 2010


Healing and blessing follow those who follow the Lord whole heartedly. This does not mean that the sick are lost but in your sickness you are able to whole heartedly follow Him. He knows what is best for you. Death has been overcome and therefore even if the sickness is unto death you can still praise Him. God knows what is best. Through all the trials and tribulations we face we know His purposes are good. He has our life in His hands. We are content to know that He is with us in our sickness, trials and tribulations. He suffers with us. The suffering is short compared to the eternity with Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us. All we need to do is stay committed to the course and never take our eyes off Jesus. He is with us and knows our pain. He is shaping us into His image and we are content to know that all things work together for good. The devil is a loser. The Cross never was a failure but a positive sign of victory. So also your cross which you are called to bear should enthuse you, knowing that it is a sign of victory and not failure. What appeared to be a lost cause became the fulcrum of change for good. What a gospel, what a Saviour, what a destiny. Hallelujah.

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