Friday, June 11, 2010


God is good and His mercy endures forever. He is so good that you can rely on Him at all times. He will turn your mourning into dancing. He has promised you eternal life and this is what you need to hang on to. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He will bestow you with gladness all the days of your life. He is with you and in you. Praise be to the Lord. He is an ever present comforter and friend. You don’t need modern aids to connect with Him. He will infuse you with wisdom, knowledge and love. Yes He is a wise God and He will help you sift between what is good and what is non essential. His love enfolds you. You are one in Him as the Father is one with His Son. You are a child of God. You are His feet and hands in a troubled world. Go out today to bless His world with His presence. His presence goes wherever you go. Now live it out and see how your day becomes light.

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