Tuesday, June 22, 2010


God’s power is experienced not just talked about. His power is available to heal, deliver and save. His power was released at Pentecost and continues to be released today. You can experience it too if you tap into it by faith. Faith in the Name of Jesus releases the power. His Holy Spirit within you holds the power that is released as you speak forth the word of His power. The word of His power is limitless. The word is a living word. When you speak forth His word by faith it performs the word. If the word is for healing then healing is released. God spoke the word and the world was formed. It is the same today. The power of His word is sent forth and will perform. This is the difference between a said word and a sent word. A said word only is good for hearing. The sent word performs what it is supposed to do. You need to release the word and power is released to perform the word. Come Holy Spirit and perform your works through me.

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