Monday, June 21, 2010


Better is the man who seeks the Lord then walks after his own ideas and desires. If you acknowledge Him in all your ways then He will grant you the desires of your heart. When you seek Him with all your heart then your desires come in line with His. What a wonderful combination. You and God are a majority. You will never feel alone again for He is with you always. He walks with you and talks with you along life’s narrow way. What a fellowship of the divine union between God and man. This is what salvation in Jesus is all about. It is not just theory but also experience. Most of western religion is a mere intellectual exercise. This is why the New Age movement has weaved its way into the hearts and minds of the West. The East has invaded the West and now we can look to a revolution of thought and experience. This would lead to a new way of living which will challenge the systems of the West. This combination will lead to a new kind of spirituality which will also help the church to not only major on right theology but also experience the power. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It is not just talk power but power to heal, deliver and save.

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