Saturday, June 26, 2010


Abiding in Him is like being in the womb of a mother. You are so united with Him and depend on Him for all your nourishment. He feeds you and clothes you and you are safe and secure in Him. He enfolds you with His love. You are protected from all bugs and you remain firm in faith and resolve. You are entwined and filled with His Spirit and you have no other desire then to glorify His Name. You become one with Him just as Jesus is one with His Father. This is your inheritance in Christ. He has bought you with a price and in Him you are a prince. In this new image you can rely on Him and not in yourself. Self becomes subjugated to His presence in you. You are like a fire brand that sets fires wherever you go because of His presence in you. Therefore live in the fear of the Lord for He is a fire that burns and destroys all His enemies. You are in a war and need to be ready at all times to be called into warfare with the enemy of your soul. The devil wants to destroy you for you are a threat to him and his kingdom. Live like a king for the Kingdom is within you.

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