Sunday, June 06, 2010


God is at work in you to prepare you for the harvest. He has planted the vision in you. Now you will be infused with it till it overtakes you. When you become your vision then nothing can stop you from achieving the impossible. God always works through vision. He gives you sight first before you can see the vision accomplished. Sight is the result of faith. Faith sees the impossible become possible. The saints saw and believed and acted. This is what made many to leave all and go to foreign lands to win the lost. It is the vision of a lost world without Christ that inspired many and cost them their very life. What a vision can do to a man is unfathomable. With true vision you can scale heights that were never achieved before. Your mind goes to work and your body follows. Without a vision the people perish. You need a vision to spend your life in. You then are moulded by your vision and to achieve your vision becomes your goal. You are transformed by your vision and your vision then wins souls for the Kingdom. Everything is stream lined to achieve your vision which becomes your mission. Jesus set His sights on the Cross. He achieved His mission and rose from the dead. The Cross was not the end of the road but the beginning to a glorious redemption.

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