Sunday, March 18, 2012


Attachments to things diminishes your sensitivity to the spirit. This is why Jesus said it is very difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. Riches blind man to the spiritual world for all his needs can be met here. It is only the hungry who cry out to God for sustenance. The rich are not hungry and they are content with their lot in life. They have been blinded by the god of this world to their spiritual inheritance. Your spiritual inheritance in Christ is eternal. Therefore invest in the Kingdom of God and see how your investment grows. When you invest in love and joy and peace then these will grow. When you invest in things then these will grow. Patience grows in this when exercise patience. All the gifts and fruits of the Spirit are released as you invest in them. God is no debtor to man. He will multiply what is invested. When you give away then what you give away will be multiplied to you. This is the principle of the Kingdom. Make sure you give away a blessing and not a curse. What you sow you will reap. Bless all your works and see a multiplication in your blessings.

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