Friday, March 23, 2012


What a glorious God we have. He is beyond compare. He is a personal God and we have a relationship with Him like no other. He is with us all the time. Be conscious of His presence and rejoice. When you are conscious of His presence then you become conscious of His cleansing power. Walking in the Spirit you will be aware of the evil in this world. You will walk in the light as He is in the light. The darkness will not invade you. Many walk in darkness because they are unconscious of His presence. God is near and he desires to walk with you. However you are so taken up with yourself that you are unconscious of His presence except when you are in His presence. God is present all the time. You are absent most of the time.  This is why you walk in darkness and not in the light. Practice the conscious presence of God and see a difference in your talk and your walk. You become the voice of God when you walk in His presence. This is the way to walk in the light as He is in the light.

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