Saturday, March 17, 2012


Praise God who gives freely and blesses all who come to Him. You are such a loving God and you love your people and want them to have a full life. Yet the nature of man is such that conflict appears to be the rule of the day. Ego battles are common and the spirit is left behind. When the ego takes over then all sanity goes out of the window. The driving force behind every battle is a ego driven emotion. This fuels the conflict and the ego enjoys the fight. It is as if the ego thrives on conflict. The ego defines its existence through conflict. Without conflict the ego feels deserted and alone without an identity. Conflict appears to be the way the ego defines its territory. The spirit on the other hand thrives in love and peace. It denies the ego its rights. It lays down its life for the other. It desires to see others flourish then fail. These 2 opposite forces fight for attention. Only when the ego dies will the spirit be able to gain ascendence. Die to your ego and live in the spirit which is life abundant.

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