Thursday, January 05, 2006

Changing old patterns through love

5/1/06 Changing old patterns through love.
The only way to break out from the old patterns is to consistently operate in the new pattern. Old patterns are so ingrained that they are on automatic pilate. It is so easy for the old patterns to emerge even after years of retraining. This is the way you have been patterned to learn and store information and behaviours reinforced by authority figures. This is why the fear of authority is so powerful to induce change. Parent figures are powerful in setting down these patterns from early age and they form the hard wiring of behaviours for life. Until a concerted effort is made to reject these unhealthy patterns and lay down new patterns, the old will rule. In Jesus Name these patterns can be changed through the help of His Holy Spirit. His Spirit works through love and not fear. Thus when you approach an old pattern and replace it with a new pattern in love, the latter is more powerful to displace the old pattern. Whatever is done in love does last and patterns that are sown in love will bring about lasting change. This is why lasting behaviour change can only occur in an environment of love. Fear can only be displaced through love. Childhood fears of authority figures continue into old age. Therefore even the old need to be loved to help them change their old patterns. This is why communist regimes that try and change the masses through fear have not lasted. Fear can only cause temporary change for love will always win out in the end.

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