Sunday, January 22, 2006

The real battle is spiritual and not material

22/1/06 The real battle is spiritual and not material.
Spiritual forces are at the root of many problems hat man faces. However because of the materialistic view of man these are not addressed and therefore problems continue. The present debate about science and ID are basically a battle in the spiritual realms. It’s only when one understands and sees the problem in the spirituals that one stops fighting the battle in the physical. This is why it is important that spirituality is taught in our education systems so that our children are aware of these forces. The church needs to rise up and warn as this generation is blind and cannot see. The blind cannot lead the blind. All the parties and celebrations are a replacement for the true joy and happiness. What is seen is a counterfeit to the real. We are spiritual beings yet we neglect the spiritual because we fail to see. When we see we will change our perceptions accordingly. Then relationship difficulties are no more fought in the physical realm but in the spirituals. These unseen forces control nations and people groups. Wake up and see and bind the forces of evil that rule to destroy. Jesus saw and therefore did not respond in human ways but saw beyond the human realm and therefore subdued the forces of evil and overcame them through His death and resurrection. Resurrection is proof that life is not just material existence but more then that.

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