Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fight and claim your inheritance

10/1/06 Fight and claim your inheritance
The constant pressure of negative thoughts is a key that you are alive and in a battle. The battle is to reduce you to nothing so that you can reign in Christ. The devil is out to discourage and destroy those who are in the battle for his territory whether human or otherwise. He will try and deceive and fool you to choose the easy way out. You must stay the course and not give in to his tactics. Offensive love is the only way to live. Defensive action does not lead anywhere. By faith you take the risk and move forward trusting in God to supply for your needs. The only people who went anywhere are the movers and not the stayers. Stayers are people who live defensively wanting to keep the peace at any cost. They are bound by fear without knowing it. God has given you all you need to live a victorious life despite the opposition. Let Satan down and lift Jesus up and all your enemies will flee from you. You have to take the land by active invasion. No one got anything or anywhere by sitting down. You have to move the boundaries of your inheritance to claim more for the Lord. There is safety in your inheritance but God has more for you. Enter in and reach your destiny in God.

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