Monday, January 16, 2006

Spirit filled words produce life

16/1/06 Spirit filled words produce life
Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of the Lord. Words of scripture are the bread that feed the soul. Many deprive their soul by feeding on the words of man rather then on scripture. The Bible contains the Word of God which is different from the words of other scriptures. It is different because the Word has life while words provide knowledge. Knowledge alone cannot provide life. They are vehicles for communication but do not have life in them. God’s written word has inherent power because they are Holy Spirit breathed and so can impart life to the soul that reads and assimilates it. This is the difference. Whatever the source will bring forth the fruits of the source. When you assimilate Spirit inspired words then those words will ring forth Spirit filled life. Jesus quoted scripture because He knew scripture but He was also the author of those words. When the author speaks the words He imparts the spirit of the word to the receiver. Whatever spirit inspires will be transmitted to the receiver. You are spirit and therefore your words can produce death or life. Jesus spoke the word and death was defeated and life was formed. So also as you read His word, His life becomes birthed in you which is food for your soul. Many are the words that are spoken by holy men but they cannot produce life. They are streams of knowledge that are good for the intellect but does not produce life. When you believe that His word produces life then life is birthed in you. The seed that is planted in you is what will produce fruit. So as you live by faith, let the words of scripture so feed you so that your faith in His word can produce the fruit of His living word. His life within His word will produce the fruits of His word in your life. This is the word of the Lord.

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