Friday, January 13, 2006

13/1/06 Present relationship conflicts are re-workings of past relationships with parent figures

13/1/06 Present relationship conflicts are re-workings of past relationships with parent figures
It is in close relationships that conflict arises that mirror conflicts with parent figures. All conflicts in relationships are a mirror of conflicts with parent figures. These are reworkings of conflicts and power relationships that have caused hurt and despair. The only way of healing and freedom from this is to surrender them to the Lord. Distance yourself so that you don’t get pulled into that emotional arena where you lose control. Observe and see how they tend to replicate past relationships. Now let the healing love of Christ redeem that situation and see how your perceptions change over time. No more do those fantasies continue to plague you. You are free to be and not be controlled or controlling. This is the way forward. Present relationships have to be broken and remade so that these repetitions do not occur. Power relationships especially are prone to be repeated as they are past power struggles with authority figures. Positioning yourself in Jesus enables you to take the Christ position and love at all times and think the best and not the worst. Remember you are a king and a priest in the household of God. Think this and be this in all relationships and see how your relationships are transformed in the present. When old feelings are aroused remember they are just illusions and do not give into those feelings but arise and conquer in the Name and blood of Jesus.

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