Friday, January 22, 2010


Praise God who gives without reservation and loves to give. He knows nothing better then to give of His bounty. Our God is relentless in His giving. He loves to bless. He is a positive God. There is no negativity in Him. He does not cause suffering but we through our own bad choices cause suffering upon ourselves. Of course His adversary the devil will want us to think that God is responsible for our suffering. God will turn your suffering into joy. When you accept all things then all those things will turn to your benefit. This is how God will turn your mountain into a molehill. He is a God of abundance. When you think like Him then you will rejoice in His abundance. Yes pain and suffering are all around you but you are saved from these because He is your protector. Even when you go through the valley of death He is with you. Jesus will never leave you alone. Accept where you are and new avenues will open up to you. Resistance only causes suffering. What you resist becomes a mountain. What you accept becomes a molehill. When you abide in Him then nothing is too hard for He is in you to help you overcome. So in Him you can see all negativity as part of the process of change towards abundance. An abundance mentality will attract abundance. In God you are abundant for He is rich and abundant.

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