Thursday, January 28, 2010


Lord you are so good to me and you will provide for my son what you have provided for me. You are the all sufficient God. You lead each one and at the right time open the door. You did this for me. I am confident of this. Confidence produces results beyond expectations. Be confident in God. He is your Provider. He is the God of providence. He has only good planned for you. You will never be alone. Righteousness and peace will always follow you. You will be a light to the gentiles for the Lord’s light shines upon you. Your face will light up the place and the Lord will be honoured. He is the glory and lifter of your head. Walk by faith and you will never lose your way. Faith is like spiritual eyes that sees and walks boldly knowing that He who is leading is perfect in His guidance. He has led you through all these days and you have nothing to fear for the future. Come and be glad for He is in you and will shine brighter as the days go by. Perfect is the Lord and He will perfect your ways.


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Anonymous said...

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